Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I Do What I Do

I used to live in the Bronx and work as a graphic designer in the city. My original hours used to be 11-7 as I was hired to be the late shift person. Eventually that was no longer needed so they changed my hours and I worked 9:30-5:30. Commuting was ok, usually with little to no problems. But of course there were on-the-job stresses: cut backs, layoffs, longer hours, no raises.

Then I moved out to New Jersey with my then fiancé. That's when things got different. Commuting both ways took 1 1/2 to 2 hours! I would leave my house around 7:30 and not get home until 7:30 (on a good day!) By the time I had a chance to "unwind" it was time for bed and back to the same routine the next day.

When I had my daughter I knew something had to give. Either I would try to find another job closer to home or quit working all together. Mind you, around the same time I was having my baby, my husband got laid off. We were not in a good situation. I did go back to work for a few weeks and it was the toughest time of my life because I was not at home with her. Then my hubby got called back to work and that prompted me to make THE DECISION. There was no way I was going to put my daughter into day care. It was tough because I had a lot of friends at work and I was with the company for almost 9 years but I knew it was the right decision.

So then I thought, "what if I can work from home? What can I do?" Of course I wanted to stay in my field and try designing at home but the programs were so expensive. I was part of an online travel business but that just wasn't working for me. I wanted to try something different. Then I thought, "what if I can make jewelry from home?" I researched all that was involved but knew with a baby at home I didn't think I would have the time to handle that.

Finally I found a company that sells jewelry and all I had to do was throw/host home parties and make commission off of what I sold. WOW! Just like that? No one ever told me about that in college. You're taught, get an education and get a job. Unfortunately schools don't really promote entrepreneurship. And most people frown on if you try to start something on you're own. But I took the leap and signed up. There are times when the business is slow and the economy has something to do with that but I am dedicated to working from home in one way or another.

My husband supports me wholeheartedly as I support him. We are both in a weight-loss company that we believe truly works, because it has for us. And through the company we have become more aware of how seriously we needed to take care of our health and help others do the same. So that has become my mission! If I can help a friend battle her diabetes so she doesn't have to take insulin or pills, then I've done a good job. Or if I can find a way to help someone lose even 10 pounds and make them happy, then I've done a good job. I am here to help because what else is there in life? It's not always about me and when it gets to that point then I need to reassess my priorities.

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