Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Next 90-Day Challenge!

My legs are burning and not because I've been sitting in the sun! 

I have taken on a new exercise challenge for the next 90 days. One of the companies I'm in has issued a Challenge Showdown to see how we progress with our health and well being. My crazy self has decided I want to train for a 5k! 

For those of you who don't know me, I have never been physically active. I started exercising earlier this year to lose weight but I have achieved my goal. So I thought what can I do to really push myself? And the thought of running was lingering in my mind for a few weeks but now that this Challenge has been issued, I couldn't put it off.

I started my training this past Monday. The program I'm on is The Couch to 5K® Running Program. Basically it's 3 days of walking/running for 30 minutes, with regular exercises in between. I have to tell you, I am OUT OF SHAPE! I can barely run for a minute! I know, it's sad, but that's why I'm doing it. I need to increase my stamina and strengthen my body. 

How many of you have that nasty inner voice? The one that always puts negative thoughts in your head? Everybody has them. My inner voice told me today, "You can't do this. Go home and do something else." But I pushed through and finished my workout. DON'T LISTEN TO THAT VOICE!! Determine to have a goal and reach it.

For those of you interested in learning more, I am also documenting my progress on my YouTube channel and Facebook. (It's part of the challenge!) I am putting it all out there so that YOU can know, that you can do anything you put your mind to.

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